Hot Summer Golf Tips.

Summer is right around the corner and that means that you need to be physically prepared along with your actual swing performance.

Many of you will be traveling to events, or playing the weekends at your home course, in some very hot weather. We want every advantage we can get, so physically we need to be more prepared than our opponents.

To fully maximize all the hours of hard work you put into developing your physical skills, mental skills and fitness, your body systems must be perfectly tuned as well. Eating the right foods does more than help you maintain overall health, desirable body weight, and fitness; it can also help you employ optimum muscle reflexes to get the very most from your game when you compete.

Some important keys to remember:

Along with keeping your cardio, lifting and stretching routines, you need to think about your body. Here’s a few tips that will help you this summer be the best you can be.

1. Hydrate a lot a few days before so your body is more prepared.

2.Get good sleep for a few days before as you might be a little restless the day before and not get a lot of sleep the night before the round.

3. Do a shorter warmup before the round. It’s just to get loose anyways.

4. Keep hydrated during the round, and lots of aminos. If you aren’t peeing something is wrong…lol.

5. If you are playing 36 in one day, take an extra change of clothes and take a cold shower after the first round, then change clothes, even socks. It will make you fresh for the second round.

6. Don’t eat anything heavy for lunch like a burger or anything greasy. Maybe a turkey sandwich. Eat protein bars, fruit or nuts during the round, you shouldn’t be real hungry between rounds. Lunch is going to be fuel for the second round. You need to eat something every 2 hours. Carry healthy snacks with you so you can munch as you play (for example – trail mix, jerky, peanut butter sandwich on whole grain bread, healthy protein bar, etc.).

7. Sometimes it’s hard to remember when to eat or drink during a round. Before the round, mark you scorecard with and “E” for eat, and a “D” for drink. When you get to those holes it will remind you of what you have scheduled. Eat before you get hungry. If you wait to get hungry, it’s usually too late – blood sugar is already dropping.

8. Wear white clothes if possible. It’s going to be really hot.

9. Keep a wet towel handy and use it on yourself when possible.

10. Make sure you have extra gloves and plenty of sunscreen.

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